Crowning Midwifery: Tailored Care for Your Motherhood Journey - Prenatal Care, Home Birth / Water Birth, Postpartum Care, Newborn Care, and VBAC Support. Specializing in Nutrition for high risk families!

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Birthing at Home vs a Birth Center

One of the most beautiful, vulnerable, and transformative experiences in a woman's life is bringing a precious new life into the world. In our culture today, most expectant mothers hope for a natural birth, but sadly, less than half of them will actually have one.

But don't worry, because today we're going to talk about two wonderful options that can help you achieve your goal: home birth and birth centers. By choosing to give birth outside of a hospital, you can significantly increase your chances of having a natural birth. And the best part? Giving birth with a midwife at home or in a birth center can provide a personalized and positive experience that benefits both you and your precious baby.

When giving birth at home, the mother is typically in her own home environment and is attended by a Midwife. The mother has control over the setting and can create a more personalized, comfortable environment for the birth. Licensed Midwives and/or Certified Nurse Midwives carry medical equipment on hand to handle common complications that may arise during childbirth.

In contrast, a freestanding birth center is a facility specifically designed for childbirth outside of a hospital setting. It is typically staffed by Certified Nurse Midwives and/or Licensed Midwives. The mother has access to a comfortable, home-like environment, but has to leave and return home hours after giving birth. Typically, birth centers are generally close to hospitals so that emergency medical care may not be delayed.

There are also some other differences to consider. For example, insurance may cover a birth center birth but may not cover a home birth. Additionally, some women prefer to give birth at home for cultural or personal reasons, while others feel more comfortable in a birth center.

When it comes to choosing where to give birth, there is no right or wrong answer. Every woman’s preference will vary, and every birth and pregnancy is unique. The same Mama might even birth in different locations for each of her babies.

Ultimately, the decision between birthing at home versus a freestanding birth center is a personal one and should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider based on the mother's medical history, individual needs, and preferences.